Game developed at the Global Game Jam 2022 by:

Guy Rahamim, Ynon Nisimyan and Guy Kroizman

The Intergalactic Gate, or the InGate, was a miracle of science. It allowed the humankind to expand through outr the galaxy.

New planets locals are'nt wellcoming to the newcommers, so a new military branch was established: The Explorers.

 Brave seasoned commando agents, Equipped with sophisticated equipment, sent to newfound planets, to explore the area and establish a safe port for settelers.

 In the last dispatch, something went wrong, TERRIBLY WRONG!

It was a routine dispatch in a stormy night, simple missions, two planets in only 100 light years away. the drones showed almost no activity on the ground, clean and easy. But then, an interference occurred, and the space-time fabric between the planets ruptured, and somehow missplaces some things between the planets. Until those things be back in their right place, the rapture will continue to open, and if it won't close in time, it will expand without proportions and rapture all reality as we know it.

You are the two brave explorers originally sent to this stars, in the recon you made, you discovered some of the things that misplaced, and you understand that for you to come back home (and actually have a home to come back to), you need to make things right. you discovered that the monsters from each planet transferred to the other, and will get back only when killed.

Your weapons acting strange too- the weapon that in your hands, is teleported to you from the other planet, and their shots appear in your parallel location on the other planet.

Luckily, the command managed to launch a satellite to the rapture, allowing you to see both of the planets in the same time. Good Luck Agents, the faith of the universe is in your hand now. Just another Tuesday..

StatusOn hold

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